AI Domination

There has been a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking over the world. Images of Robots taking over the world is always the way they explain it. To explain it simply, its not a take over of robots its a reliance on computer logic to make decisions that were previously made by people. That has been occurring for a long time. Telephones where manually switched and controlled by people and eventually taken over by simple wiring and that performed functions that people used to do manually.

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Malware is a program that does damage. This can range from deleting all of your files to putting them up for ransom. In most cases it’s the users own stupidity that caused the malware to install. There are rare cases when a user gets the program installed when his computer is on a network with other computers. But if you are the only person on your network than you were the person that installed it inadvertently.

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Passwords are a necessary evil on the Internet because no better system has been developed to secure information. Major problem is that most people use common passwords and use them in several places. Passwords don’t need to be complicated to make them safe. There are simple strategies that make your passwords secure and easy to remember.

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